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Be The Change!

'Be The Change!', is a phrase from the larger famous quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Though attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, there is no clear evidence that Gandhiji actually said this. However, in the same spirit and with a much deeper insight and elaboration Gandhiji had said:


Thursday - Saturday 04 - 06 April, 2024


Rukhmini Auditorium, MGM Campus, N-6, CIDCO, Chh. Sambhajinagar

Teach | Share | Learn

Big ideas for change in education

(Open For All Delegates)

If your brain's buzzing with something BIG, unique, and downright transformative related to education, we're all ears-and eyes!

The conference is seeking submissions related to 'BIG IDEAS for Change' in education. This is your invitation to 'BE THE CHANGE' and cast your idea into the spotlight. We're searching for unique, forward-thinking concepts that can challenge the status quo and spark inspiration across a dedicated audience of educators. And, this is your chance to potentially present your idea on the LEF-2024 Stage. Don't just attend-shine! Click here to share your idea.

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  1. Every delegate can submit any number of valid entries.
  2. For each Big Idea, separate entries should be submitted.


  1. Submitted entries will be evaluated by a committee of Experts.
  2. During the conference prizes will be announced for the most creative entries in each category and a compendium of Best 100 entries will be published in the souvenir for sharing with Conference Participants.

Submission deadline: March 28, 2024

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'LEAD THE ED-FUTURE' is a National Conference on School & Higher Education happening from April 4-6, 2024. at MGM Rukhmini Auditorium, Mahatma Gandhi Mission Campus, Chh. Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India. This conference has been curated by MGM Education Unlimited and is being conducted in association with MGM University. It will have an exclusive focus on various aspects of K-12 Education and Higher Education. This is the second successive LEF conference happening in Marathwada region to bring together educationists and experts from across the country and beyond.


  • This conference is envisaged to bring in like-minded Thought Leaders, School Managers and Educators on one platform for brainstorming and future- preparedness.


  • Opportunities extended to the participants would offer a unique collaborative platform for exchange of ideas that can be prototyped in the future.


  • 'LEAD THE ED-FUTURE' takes inspiration from the Subject Cohorts at MGM Schools to look at the entire experience of K-12 schooling as one whole integrated process.
04 April - 06 April, 2024 Chh. Sambhajinagar

National Conference on School Education & Higher Education

Register now

Registration details

Deligate profile Registration fee* Early bird discount until
24th March 2024
For Owner / Director / Principal / Vice-Principal / Leaders INR 6999 INR 6500
For Teachers INR 4999 INR 4500

*(Above Fee is inclusive of GST)

Please provide details/screenshot of the payment at

Cancellation and No-show policy: NON Transferable and NON Refundable.

Certificate of Participation from MGM Education Unlimited will be provided to all the participants.

  • Conference folder
  • Entry pass for 2/3 days
  • Tea and lunch for 2/3 days
  • Accomodation
  • Travel
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • Any other expenses

Account No.: 0076104000823425


IFSC Code: IBKL0000076

Last Year Glimpse

Dr.Neharika Vohra

    Professor, IIM. Ahmedabad. Founcing Vice Chancellor, Skill & Entrepreneurship University. Delhi.

  • "Education has to prepare our students for life. They should have a connection with the world and understand the social setting of the community they are embedded in. As an educator, In a highly diverse classroom we cannot apply the same criteria for success.".

Mr. Geet Sethi

    Co-Founder, Olympic Gold Quest, World Champion-Billiards. Ahmedabad.

  • "Only competitive success will lead to well-being is a fallacy. Success is a very social concept related to money, fame and power. Whatever work you do, do it with joy and do it really well. You don't need to be a maverick. All that you need to do is follow joy, success will come automatically."

Ms. Kiran Bir Sethi

    Founder. Design for Charge. Founder Director. The Riverside School. Ahmedabad

  • "Contagious is a good word! Children might. not listen to you but they will always mim- ic you. We work 365 days a year with our teachers to ensure that they develop a sense of well-being, so that they in turn can role model what we expect of children. We invest in co-creating a timetable which in- vests in the well being of teachers and students".

Dr. Vilas Sapkal

    Vice-Chancellor, MGM University, Aurangabad.

  • "There is a gap between school educa- tion and higher education. Continuity and integration between the two are important for quality education. Various applications. theories or theorems, research aspects. if taught during school education it self, then the students will find them easier to apply it during higher education."

Dr. Vijayam Ravi

    Senior Educational Consultant. Dr. Vijayam Ravi's Educational Consultancy, Mumbai.

  • "Your values, grit and determination push you forward to explore new frontiers of knowledge. Risk-taking is an inherent part of growth and learning. Don't fear failure. rather embrace and learn from the lessons failure brings."

Ms. Devika Nadig

    Director, Shikshangan Education Initiatives. Pune.

  • "Cross curricular integration has to be done responsibly where subjects being integrated are given equal importance and designed as a seamless unit of Inquiry. It should promote interdisciplinary thinking in the students and inspire them to engage in real life problem solving."

Mr. Vijay Gupta

    Director, Shikshangan Education Initiatives. Pune.

  • "Goal of a school is only one Good learn- ing for every child! To achieve that put to- gether a viable curriculum; ensure school wise orderliness: involve parents; create an environment of collegiality and professional- ism; equip teachers with effective teaching and classroom management strategies; and support slow learners. This will help you de- velop a high performing school!"

Dr. Chinu Agrawal

    Director, Feeling Minds, Psychologist & Psychotherapist Agra.

  • "Children should be able to come to their teacher and talk to them without the fear of being judged and with a feeling of be- ing understood. Ask children, and don't tell them! Give them the opportunity to share their opinion. Such conversations are also often missing because of continual use of devices."

Ar. Hemant Mahajan

    Partner, Group PHI Architects & Designers, Pune.

  • "Design thinking requires that the end user is always kept in mind. First listen, under- stand and then co-create your solution with the user in a systematic way. This is the key principle of design."

Dr. Radhika Srinivasan

    Principal. The Shri Ram Universal School, Mumbai

  • "Don't worry about big discussions on Global environmental problems predicting the arrival of Dooms Day! Focus on the 2-3 things that your institution can do to give back to nature and do them earnestly!"

Ms. Nidhi Wadhwa

    National Manager, Harper Collins Publishers, Delhi.

  • "Technology in education is indispensable. It helps us to improve communication, en- hances collaboration, fosters active discus- sions, encourages visualization and presen- tations and promotes self- paced learning. It moves students from passive learning to active learning!"

Mr. Willibrord George

    Chairman & CEO. St. George Educational Trust, Mumbai.

  • "Marketing is not about putting up a big hoarding. It is about making change hap- pen. it is about influencing change. And. when you are trying to change something. better have the strongest values. Times have changed. First create your soul - What is it that you stand for and communicate that in every way possible."

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